More MS updates

I have been at home for a month now. The main reason for it was to finish my thesis. Writing a thesis and that too in less than 15 days is no easy task. It means that you need to write at least 3 pages a day, which is much difficult than it sounds. Anyway, i just finished writing 52 pages and sent the draft to my supervisor. If he approves of it, then i will apply for graduation at my university. This will bring a long chapter of my life to a close. A chapter worked on and completed all by myself and that too with good overall result.

Right now, I am completing a basic game so that I can display how my software really works. The game is really simple. You have a car and you have to move while avoiding obstacles. I know its really dry a concept, but my aim was not to make a good game, just a demo to show off what my software does. If you still do not know then look at this sample of a screenshot. The car in it looks too bland. If you want to make it look like Ferrari F1, all you got to do is open the in game editor and draw it yourself, no coding or recompiling involved. its that easy.

On the gaming front, I have been playing Starcraft and Supreme Commander on weekends and Call of Duty 4 almost daily. Speaking of which, I am about to gain Prestige a second time, which means that i am going to level up to 56, the second time. Prestige puts your name right on top of the leader boards for everyone to see. But to get that, you have to give up all the weapons and upgrades and start from scratch.

right now, I am about to get 10,000 kills and my kill to death ratio is 1.12 with accuracy of 17.38% oh and my longest killing streak has been 21.

thats it for now, more game talk later... I better get back to work

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