That which is done

It is done, it is finished, it is history! That is right, the last exam for my MS is done. I am a free man now. The maturity test is over and now all that is left is to fix the software (if I want to) and fix the thesis(if I want to as well, it is done more or less) and that's about it.

I came to Tampere yesterday, stayed with Shehzad and woke him up in the morning because I was having a bad dream :/. This is the second nightmare that I had in the past 2 weeks. In the first one, Peshawar was nuked and in this one, I was running away from somemthing really sinister, did not know what.

anyway, after my test, I went and applied for my university degree and also went to get 2 courses corrected which had been marked as intermediate courses where as they were advance courses. Once that was done, I headed for some food and right now I am sitting in the university's study room writing my blog. Yawn! I am really sleepy at the moment, but I have to stay awake for a as Shehzad and Tayyab are going to meet me in 2 hours' time. What to do till then? I think I'll play a game and pass the time that way. Oh, btw, my suprevisor said himself today that he liked my work :D Yaaaaay!


Sameer Durrani said...

of all the places.. why Peshawar??

Anonymous said...

whats so bad about peshawer being nuked? Hardly a nightmare...

Anonymous said...

What food did you have? You left the most important part out! Man! Food! Paet Pooja - another religion as far as my personal preference goes.

So what food? :D

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that. Congratulations on clearing this major milestone.